User Manual

210 Error Codes and Messages
Trigonometric conversion operators are not supported in Degree or Gradian angle modes.
1250 Argument Error
Use a system of linear equations.
Example of a system of two linear equations with variables x and y:
1260 Argument Error:
The first argument of nfMin or nfMax must be an expression in a single variable. It cannot
contain a non-valued variable other than the variable of interest.
1270 Argument Error
Order of the derivative must be equal to 1 or 2.
1280 Argument Error
Use a polynomial in expanded form inone variable.
1290 Argument Error
Use a polynomial in one variable.
1300 Argument Error
The coefficients of the polynomial mustevaluate to numeric values.
1310 Argument error:
A function couldnot be evaluatedfor one or more of its arguments.
1380 Argument error:
Nested calls to domain() function are not allowed.