User Manual

42 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
Error conditions:
Error Message Description
DispAt line number must be between 1 and 8 Expression evaluates the line number
outside the range 1-8 (inclusive)
Too few arguments The function or command is missing one
or more arguments.
No arguments Same as current 'syntax error' dialog
Too many arguments Limit argument. Same error as Disp.
Invalid data type First argument must be a number.
Void: DispAt void "Hello World" Datatype error is thrown
for the void (if the callback is defined)
Catalog >
Value DMS
List DMS
Matrix DMS
Note: You can insert this operator from the
computer keyboard by typing @>DMS.
Interprets the argument as an angle and
displays the equivalent DMS
(DDDDDD°MM''') number. See °, ', ''
on page 190 for DMS (degree, minutes,
seconds) format.
Note: DMS will convert from radians to
degrees when used in radian mode. If the
input is followed by a degree symbol ° , no
conversion will occur. You can use DMS
only at the end of an entry line.
In Degree angle mode: