User Manual

Catalog >
Repeatedly executes the statements in
Block. Note that the loop will be executed
endlessly, unless a Goto or Exit instruction
is executed within Block.
Block is a sequence of statements
separated with the “: character.
Note for entering the example: For
instructions on entering multi-line program
and function definitions, refer to the
Calculator section of your product
Catalog >
LU Matrix, lMatrix, uMatrix, pMatrix
Calculates the Doolittle LU (lower-upper)
decomposition of a real or complex matrix.
The lower triangular matrix is stored in
lMatrix, the upper triangular matrix in
uMatrix, and the permutation matrix
(which describes the row swaps done
during the calculation) in pMatrix.
lMatrixuMatrix = pMatrixmatrix
Optionally, any matrix element is treated as
zero if its absolute value is less than Tol.
This tolerance is used only if the matrix has
floating-point entries and does not contain
any symbolic variables that have not been
assigned a value. Otherwise, Tol is ignored.
If you use or set the Auto or
Approximate mode to Approximate,
computations are done using floating-
point arithmetic.
If Tol is omitted or not used, the default
tolerance is calculated as:
Alphabetical Listing 89