User Manual

Catalog >
mod(x,0) = x
mod(x,y) = x y floor(x/y)
When the second argument is non-zero, the
result is periodic in that argument. The
result is either zero or has the same sign as
the second argument.
If the arguments are two lists or two
matrices, returns a list or matrix containing
the modulo of each pair of corresponding
Note: See also remain(), page 124
Catalog >
mRow(Value, Matrix1, Index) matrix
Returns a copy of Matrix1 with each
element in row Index of Matrix1 multiplied
by Value.
Catalog >
mRowAdd(Value, Matrix1, Index1, Index2)
Returns a copy of Matrix1 with each
element in row Index2 of Matrix1 replaced
Value row Index1 + row Index2
Catalog >
MultReg Y, X1[,X2[,X3,…[,X10]]]
Calculates multiple linear regression of list Y
on lists X1, X2, …, X10. A summary of
results is stored in the stat.results variable.
(See page 145.)
All the lists must have equal dimension.
For information on the effect of empty
elements in a list, see “Empty (Void)
Elements,” page 196.
Alphabetical Listing 95