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156 Calculator Application
Recalling a Function or Program Definition
You might want to reuse or modify a function or program that you have defined.
1. Show the list of defined functions.
From the Actions menu, select Recall Definition.
2. Select the name from the list.
The definition (for example, Define f(x)=1/x+3) is pasted into the
entry line for editing.
Editing Calculator Expressions
Although you cannot edit an expression in the Calculator history, you can copy
all or part of an expression from the history and paste it to the entry line. You
can then edit the entry line.
Positioning the Cursor in an Expression
Press Tab, , , , or to move the cursor through the expression. The
cursor moves to the closest valid position in the direction that you press.
Note: An expression template may force the cursor to move through its
parameters, even though some parameters may not be exactly in the path of
the cursor movement. For example, moving upward from the main argument of
an integral always moves the cursor to the top limit.
Inserting into an Expression in the Entry Line
1. Position the cursor at the point where you want to insert additional
2. Type the elements that you want to insert.
Note: When you insert an open parenthesis, Calculator adds a temporary close
parenthesis, displayed in gray. You can override the temporary parenthesis by
typing the same parenthesis manually or by entering something past the
temporary parenthesis (thereby implicitly validating its position in the
expression). After you override the temporary gray parenthesis, it is replaced
with a black parenthesis.
Selecting Part of an Expression
1. Position the cursor at the starting point in the expression.