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2. Click a location to establish the vector's initial point.
3. Click a second location to specify direction and magnitude and complete
the vector.
4. To move a vector, drag any point other than the endpoints. To manipulate
the magnitude and/or direction, drag either end point.
Note: If you create an endpoint on an axis or another object, you can move
the endpoint only along that object.
Creating a Circle Arc
1. From the PointsandLines menu, select Circle Arc. (In the Graphs
application, click Geometry > PointsandLines > Circle Arc.)
2. Click a location or point to establish the starting point of the arc.
3. Click a second point to establish an intermediate point through which the
arc will pass.
4. Click a third point to set the ending point and complete the arc.
5. To move an arc, drag its perimeter. To manipulate it, drag any of its three
defining points.
Graphs Application 221