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Table Of Contents
Changing the Fill Color of Cells
1. Select the cells to fill with color. You can choose one or more cells in any
adjacent cells, columns, or rows.
2. Access the context menu and click Color > Fill Color.
3. Click the color to apply to the cells.
Note: If you combine color text and color cells, choose colors carefully to
ensure visibility as you work with documents in the software and on the
Changing the Color of Text
1. Select the cells that contain the text to change. You can choose one or
more cells in any adjacent cells, columns, or rows.
2. Access the context menu and click Color > Text Color.
3. Click the color to apply to the text. Empty cells in the selection area show
the color change when text is added.
Understanding Cell References in Formulas
Use a cell reference to use data from a cell or range of cells in a formula. The
calculation results update automatically when values in cells change.
Relative references include only the cell’s column letter and row number (for
example, E7). A relative reference describes where a cell is in relation to other
cells of the spreadsheet. The Lists&Spreadsheet application keeps track of
relative cell references and adjusts the reference automatically when
surrounding cells shift (because of actions you perform, such as column
deletions or cell insertions).
Follow these guidelines to specify cell references:
Include a column letter and row number in a relative reference.
Include the $symbol before both the column letter and the row number to
specify an absolute reference.
Include a colon (:) between a two cell reference to specify a range of cells.
Absolute references include the $symbol before the column letter and before
the row number (for example, $B$16). Absolute references always refer to the
cell in a specific position in the spreadsheet. The application does not
automatically adjust the cell reference when cell positions change.
Lists&Spreadsheet Application 311