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Collecting Drop Counter Data
The Drop Counting collection mode is available only when using the Vernier
Drop Counter optical sensor. This sensor can count the number of drops or
record the amount of liquid added during an experiment.
1. Connect the Drop Counter sensor or sensors.
Sensor names are added to the sensor list automatically.
2. From the Experiment menu, select New Experiment.
This removes all data and restores all meter settings to their defaults.
3. From the Experiment menu, select Collection Mode > Drop Counting.
4. Set the collection options.
5. Modify sensor settings as necessary.
6. Click Start Collection .
7. After the data has been collected, click Stop Collection .
The data set run is complete.
Using Data Markers to Annotate Data
Data markers give you a way to emphasize specific data points, such as when
you change a condition. For example, you might mark a point at which a
chemical is added to a solution or when heat is applied or removed. You can
add a marker with or without a comment, and you can hide a comment.
Two data markers, one with a comment displayed
Data Collection 439