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486 Getting Started with the Program Editor
Inserting Comments
A comment symbol (©) lets you enter a remark. Comments can be useful to
someone viewing or editing the program. Comments are not displayed when
the program runs, and they have no effect on program flow.
Define LibPub volcyl(ht,r) =
©volcyl(ht,r) => volume of cylinderÀ
Disp Volume =”, approx(p ¦ r
¦ ht)
©This is another comment.
Comment showing required syntax. Because this library object is public
and this comment is the first line in a Func or Prgm block, the comment is
displayed in the Catalog as help. For more information, see
To insert a comment:
1. Position the cursor at the end of the line in which you want to insert a
2. From the Actions menu, click Insert Comment.
3. Type the text of the comment after the © symbol.
Checking Syntax
The Program Editor lets you check the function or program for correct syntax.
From the CheckSyntax&Store menu, click Check Syntax.
If the syntax checker finds any syntax errors, it displays an error message
and tries to position the cursor near the first error so you can correct it.