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Declares the subroutine as a local variable.
Defines the subroutine.
Calls the subroutine.
Note: Use the Program Editor’s Var menu to enter the Define and
Prgm...EndPrgm commands.
Notes about Using Subroutines
At the end of a subroutine, execution returns to the calling program. To exit a
subroutine at any other time, use Return with no argument.
A subroutine cannot access local variables declared in the calling program.
Likewise, the calling program cannot access local variables declared in a
Lbl commands are local to the programs in which they are located. Therefore, a
Goto command in the calling program cannot branch to a label in a subroutine
or vice versa.
Avoiding Circular-Definition Errors
When evaluating a user-defined function or running a program, you can specify
an argument that includes the same variable that was used to define the
function or create the program. However, to avoid circular-definition errors, you
must assign a value for variables that are used in evaluating the function or
running the program. Forexample:
For i,i,10,1
Disp iÀ
Causes a Circular definition error message if x or i does not have a value.
The error does not occur if x or i has already been assigned a value.
Controlling the Flow of a Function or Program
When you run a program or evaluate a function, the program lines are
executed in sequential order. However, some commands alter the program
flow. For example:
Getting Started with the Program Editor 501