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504 Getting Started with the Program Editor
Lbl labelName
name to assign to this location (use the
same naming convention as a variable
You can then use the Goto command at any point in the function or program to
branch to the location that corresponds to the specified label.
Goto labelName
specifies which Lbl command to branch
Because a Goto command is unconditional (it always branches to the specified
label), it is often used with an If command so that you can specify a conditional
test. For example:
If x>5
Goto GT5À
Disp x
-------- Á
Lbl GT5
Disp "The number was > 5"
If x>5, branches directly to label GT5.
For this example, the program must include commands (such as Stop) that
prevent Lbl GT5 from being executed if x{5.
Using Loops to Repeat a Group of Commands
To repeat the same group of commands successively, use one of the loop
structures. Several types of loops are available. Each type gives you a different
way to exit the loop, based on a conditional test.
Loop and loop-related commands reside on the Program Editor’s Control and
Transfers menus.
When you insert one of the loop structures, its template is inserted at the cursor
location. You can then begin entering the commands that will be executed
within the loop.
For...EndFor Loops
A For...EndFor loop uses a counter to control the number of times the loop is
repeated. The syntax of the For command is: