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Table Of Contents
page size; page size, converting; preview, setting document; setting
document preview 45
text to hyperlinks 100
Calculator history 159-160
cells from Excel® spreadsheets 327
handheld images 121
images 122
images in handheld mode 121
lesson bundles 117
screens 127
table cells 312
table data 326
table rows or columns 316
copying problems 54
adding to documents (.tns) 57
bar charts 373-374, 376
copies of functions and programs 487
histograms 366
lesson bundles 109-110, 117
lists from table columns 304
matrices 146
pie charts 375
plots 361
probability plots 368
PublishView documents 60
scatter plots 369
summary plots 324
system of equations 149
user-defined units 151
variables 164-165, 167
creating documents (.tns) 39
curve fit options 451
Index 549