User Manual

Table Of Contents
46 Working with Documents on TI-Nspire CX II Handhelds
If you have changed the document, you will be asked whether you want to save
those changes.
2. Click Yes to save the document or click No to abandon the changes.
Understanding the TI-Nspire Tools
This section provides an overview of the tools used when working with TI-Nspire™
documents on a handheld, including variables, catalog, symbols, and math templates.
Creating TI-Nspire™ Variables
Variables can be any portion or attribute of an object or function created within an
application. Examples of attributes that can become variables are the area of a
rectangle, the radius of a circle, the value contained in a spreadsheet cell or the
contents of a column, or a function expression. When you create a variable, it is stored
in memory within the problem. You will find more information about variables in the
chapter titled Using Variables.
Using the Catalog
Use the catalog to access a list of TI-Nspire™ commands and functions, units, symbols
and expression templates. Commands and functions are listed alphabetically.
Commands or functions not beginning with a letter are found at the end of the list (&,
/, +, -, and so on). To open the catalog:
1. From an open document, press k to open the catalog.
2. Press the number key corresponding to the appropriate tab.
For example, press 2 to show a list of math functions.
3. Press 6 until the item you want to insert is highlighted.
A syntax example for the selected item is displayed at the bottom of the screen.