
© 2007 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED TI-34 MultiView: A Guide For Teachers 103
1. v lets you enter data points (x for 1-Var
stats; x and y for 2-Var stats). (See Chapter
12, Data editor and list conversions, for more
details on v.)
2. %t displays a menu from which you can
select 1-Var, 2-Var or StatVars.
1-Var Analyzes data from 1 set of data
with 1 measured variable—x.
2-Var Analyzes paired data from 2 sets
of data with 2 measured
variables—x, the independent
variable, and y, the dependent
StatVars This option appears only after you
have calculated 1-var or 2-var
stats. Displays the menu of
variables with their current values.
StatVars menu:
n Number of x (or x,y) data
Ï or Ð Mean of all x or y values.
Sx or Sy Sample standard deviation of x
or y.
Îx or Îy Population standard deviation
of x or y.
Òx or Òy Sum of all x values or y values.
or Òy
Sum of all x
values or y
Òxy Sum of the product of x and y
for all x-y pairs in the 2 lists.
a Linear regression slope.
b Linear regression y-intercept.
r Correlation coefficient.
x' (2-var) Uses a and b to calculate
predicted x value when you input
a y value.
y' (2-var) Uses a and b to calculate
predicted y value when you
input an x value.
The examples on the transparency masters
assume all default settings.
You can change data points by going to the
Data editor, navigating to the data element,
and changing the value entered.
Note: You must then recalculate 1-Var or
2-Var stats to display the StatVars option.
Non-integer frequency elements are valid.
This is useful when entering frequencies
expressed as percentages or parts that add
up to 1. However, the sample standard
deviation, Sx, is undefined for non-integer
frequencies, and Sx = Error is displayed for
that value. All other statistics are displayed.