
Name ___________________________
Date ___________________________
© 2007 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED TI-34 MultiView: A Guide For Teachers 11
7. Use this table to record your class or group data (jumping).
8. What is the class (group) average? _______________________________________
9. What is the total number of heartbeats for the minute? ____________________
10.Answer the following questions from the data:
a. What is the total number of heartbeats for the minute? Write the symbol and
the number from the calculator. ______________________________________
b. What is the total number of student’s heartbeats entered? Write the symbol
and the number from the calculator. __________________________________
c. How would you compute the average heart rate? _______________________
Is your answer the same as in question 8?______________________________
Heartbeats per minute
Heart rates —
1-variable statistics