Operation Manual

11-4 Lists
8211LIST.DOC TI-82, Chapter 11, English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/09/01 12:25 PM Printed: 02/09/01
12:38 PM Page 4 of 10
Displaying a List
To display the contents of a list on the Home screen, enter the name of the
list and press
If all of a list answer does not fit in the display on the Home screen, as
indicated by ellipsis marks in the left or right column, use
display the rest of the list.
Copying One List to Another
To copy a list, store it to another list.
Accessing a List Element
You can store a value to (or recall a value from) a specific list element.
Enter the name of the list, followed by the number of the element in
parentheses. You can store to any element within the currently defined list
dimensions or one beyond.
Lists in Graphing
In graphing, lists are used to graph a family of curves (Chapter 3).