Operation Manual

Chapter 8: Draw Instructions 137
Storing Graph Pictures (Pic)
To display the DRAW STO menu, press y<||. You can use the DRAW STO menu items to store
and recall Pic Vars. When you select an instruction from the
DRAW STO menu, the TI-84 Plus C returns
to the home screen or the program editor.
Storing a Graph Picture (Pic Var)
Pic Vars are variables stored in archive memory. You can store up to 10 graph pictures, each is a pic of
the current graph area in variables Pic1 through Pic9, or Pic0. Later, you can superimpose the stored
picture onto a graph from the home screen or a program.
Note: Storing a Pic var does not inlcude the Background Image behind your graphing area.
A picture includes drawn elements, plotted functions, axes, grid and tick marks. The picture does not
include axes labels, lower and upper bound indicators, prompts, or cursor coordinates. Any parts of the
display hidden by these items are stored with the picture. The picture layer does not include the
Background Image Var or Background COLOR.
To store a graph picture, follow these steps.
1. Select
1:StorePic from the DRAW STO menu. StorePic is pasted to the current cursor location.
2. Enter the number (from 1 to 9, or 0) of the picture variable to which you want to store the picture.
For example, if you enter 3, the TI-84 Plus C will store the picture to Pic3.
3. Press Í to display the current graph and store the picture.
You can select a Pic Var from the Picture and Background menu ( 4). You can preview your stored
Pics and select the Pic Var to store to. Pics will overwrite without a warning. An * (Asterisk) symbol by
any stored Pic Var indicates that the Pic is stored in archive. The TI-84 Plus C Pics that are stored always
run from and remain in archive memory. They layer over the current Background Image or Background
COLOR. Pics are stored and run from archive memory.
Pics are the size of the graph area where they have been drawn FULL, HORIZ or G-T.
A Pic Var does not scale and displays from the upper left corner of the graph area in FULL, HORIZ,
or G-T.
In the TI Connect™ software, Pics are saved as *.8ci files.
Recalling Graph Pictures (Pic)
Recalling a Picture from the Home Screen or Program
To recall a graph picture from the home screen or a program, follow these steps.
1. Select
2:RecallPic from the DRAW STO menu. RecallPic is pasted to the current cursor location.
2. Enter the number (from 1 to 9, or 0) of the picture variable from which you want to recall a picture.
For example, if you enter 3, the TI-84 Plus C will recall the picture stored to Pic3.
1: StorePic
Stores the current picture.
2: RecallPic
Recalls a saved picture.
3: StoreGDB
Stores the current graph database.
4: RecallGDB
Recalls a saved graph database.