Operation Manual

Chapter 9: Split Screen 142
Some screens are never displayed as split screens. For example, if you press z in Horizontal or
Graph-Table mode, the mode screen is displayed as a full screen. If you then press a key that displays
either half of a split screen, such as r, the split screen returns.
When you press a key or key combination in either
Horizontal or Graph-Table mode, the cursor is
placed in the half of the display to which that key applies. For example, if you press r, the cursor is
placed in the half where the graph is displayed. If you press y0, the cursor is placed in the half
where the table is displayed.
The TI-84 Plus C will remain in split-screen mode until you change back to
Full screen mode.
Horizontal Split Screen
Horizontal Mode
In Horizontal split-screen mode, a horizontal line splits the screen into top and bottom halves.
The top half displays the graph.
The bottom half displays any of these screens.
Home screen (Classic or MathPrint mode dependent, maximum four lines)
Y= editor (Classic or MathPrint mode dependent, maximum four lines)
Stat list editor (three rows of data, displays in Classic only).
Window editor (three settings)
Table editor (three rows of values, displays in Classic only)
Moving from Half to Half in Horizontal Mode
To use the top half of the split screen:
Press s or r.
Select a ZOOM or CALC operation or STAT CALC
D: Manual-Fit Y= mX+b or E: Quick Plot & Fit-EQ.
To use the bottom half of the split screen:
Press any key or key combination that displays the home screen.
Press o (Y= editor).
Press … Í (stat list editor).
Press p (window editor).
Press y 0 (table editor).
Full Screens in Horizontal Mode
All other screens are displayed as full screens in Horizontal split-screen mode.
To return to the
Horizontal split screen from a full screen when in Horizontal mode, press any key or
key combination that displays the graph, home screen, Y= editor, stat list editor, window editor, or
table editor.