Operation Manual

Chapter 11: Lists 178
6. Press Í. A 4 indicator on the graph screen shows the left bound. Right Bound? is displayed in
the bottom-left corner.
7. Press | or ~ to move the cursor to the stat plot point that you want for the right bound, and then
press Í.
The x-values and y-values of the selected points are stored in
xlistname and ylistname. A new stat
plot of
xlistname and ylistname replaces the stat plot from which you selected data points. The list
names are updated in the stat plot editor.
Note: The two new lists (
xlistname and ylistname) will include the points you select as left bound and
right bound. Also,
left-bound x-value { right-bound x-value must be true.
augment( concatenates the elements of listA and listB. The list elements can be real or complex