Operation Manual

Chapter 12: Statistics 206
Frequency of Occurrence for Data Points
For most STAT CALC menu items, you can specify a list of data occurrences, or frequencies (freqlist).
Each element in
freqlist indicates how many times the corresponding data point or data pair occurs in
the data set you are analyzing.
For example, if
L1={15,12,9,14} and ÙFREQ={1,4,1,3}, then the TI-84 Plus C interprets the instruction
1-Var Stats L1, ÙFREQ to mean that 15 occurs once, 12 occurs four times, 9 occurs once, and 14 occurs
three times.
Each element in
freqlist must be 0, and at least one element must be > 0.
freqlist elements are valid. This is useful when entering frequencies expressed as
percentages or parts that add up to 1. However, if
freqlist contains noninteger frequencies, Sx and Sy
are undefined; values are not displayed for
Sx and Sy in the statistical results.
For some
STAT CALC menu items such as regression models, use the shortcut menu ALPHA F4 to enter a
Y Var for Store RegEQ.
1-Var Stats
1-Var Stats (one-variable statistics) analyzes data with one measured variable. Each element in freqlist is
the frequency of occurrence for each corresponding data point in Xlistname. freqlist elements must be
real numbers > 0.
1-Var Stats [Xlistname,freqlist]
2-Var Stats
2-Var Stats (two-variable statistics) analyzes paired data. Xlistname is the independent variable.
Ylistname is the dependent variable. Each element in freqlist is the frequency of occurrence for each data
pair (Xlistname,Ylistname).
2-Var Stats [Xlistname,Ylistname,freqlist]