User Guide

Chapter 1: Operating the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition 19
Yes leaves the mode screen and displays the FORMAT graph screen when you press Í so
that you can change the graph format settings. To return to the mode screen, press z.
Stat Diagnostics: Off, On
Off displays a statistical regression calculation without the correlation coefficient (r) or the
coefficient of determination (r
On displays a statistical regression calculation with the correlation coefficient (r), and the
coefficient of determination (r
), as appropriate.
Stat Wizards: On, Off
On: Selection of menu items in STAT CALC, DISTR DISTR, DISTR DRAW and seq( in LIST OPS
displays a screen which provides syntax help (wizard) for the entry of required and optional
arguments into the command or function. The function or command will paste the entered
arguments to the Home Screen history or to most other locations where the cursor is available for
input. Some calculations will compute directly from the wizard. If a command or function is
accessed from N the command or function will paste without wizard support. Run the
Catalog Help application (Œ) for more syntax help when needed.
Off: The function or command will paste to the cursor location with no syntax help (wizard)
Set Clock
Use the clock to set the time, date, and clock display formats.
Using TI-84 Plus Variable Names
Variables and Defined Items
On the TI-84 Plus you can enter and use several types of data, including real and complex
numbers, matrices, lists, functions, stat plots, graph databases, graph pictures, and strings.
The TI-84 Plus uses assigned names for variables and other items saved in memory. For lists, you
also can create your own five-character names.
Variable Type Names
Real numbers (including
A, B, ... , Z, q
Complex numbers
A, B, ... , Z,
ãAä, ãBä, ãCä, ... , ãJä
Lists L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, and user-defined names
Functions Y1, Y2, ... , Y9, Y0
Parametric equations X1T and Y1T, ... , X6T and Y6T