User Guide

Chapter 14: Applications 258
CF0 = 2000
CFList = {2000,L3000,4000}
CFFreq = {2,1,2}
npv(, irr(
npv( (net present value) is the sum of the present values for the cash inflows and outflows. A
positive result for
npv indicates a profitable investment.
npv(interest rate,CF0,CFList[,CFFreq])
(internal rate of return) is the interest rate at which the net present value of the cash flows is
equal to zero.
Calculating Amortization
Calculating an Amortization Schedule
Use the amortization functions (menu items
9, 0, and A) to calculate balance, sum of principal, and
sum of interest for an amortization schedule.
bal( computes the balance for an amortization schedule using stored values for æ, PV, and PMT.
npmt is the number of the payment at which you want to calculate a balance. It must be a positive
integer < 10,000.
roundvalue specifies the internal precision the calculator uses to calculate the
balance; if you do not specify
roundvalue, then the TI-84 Plus uses the current Float/Fix decimal-
mode setting.