User Guide

layout 1
math operations 36
key-code diagram 292
L (user-created list name symbol) 174
LabelOff 76, 363
LabelOn 76, 363
graph 76, 363
program 285, 363
Last Entry 22
Lbl (label) 285, 363
lcm( (least common multiple) 48, 364
least common multiple (lcm( ) 48
least common multiple (lcm( ) 364
length( of string 271, 364
less than (<) 62, 380
less than or equal to ({) 62, 380
line graph style 71
line segments, drawing 124
Line( (draw line) 125, 364
lines, drawing 125
LINK SEND menu 347
receiving items 350
to a CBL 2™ or CBR™ 346
to a PC or Macintosh 346
to a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or TI-84 Plus 351
transmitting items 344
two TI-84 Plus units 348
Link-Receive L1 (or any file) to Restore message 392
LinReg(a+bx) (linear regression) 202, 364
LinReg(ax+b) (linear regression) 201, 364
LinRegTTest (linear regression t test) 236, 364
LinReqTInt (confidence interval for slope) 237
LIST MATH menu 175
LIST NAMES menu 164
LIST OPS menu 168
List4matr( (lists-to-matrix conversion) 158, 173, 364
accessing an element 164
attaching formulas 165, 166, 188
clearing all elements 187
copying 163
creating 162, 186
deleting from memory 164, 329
detaching formulas 166, 190
dimension 163
entering list names 165, 185
indicator ({ }) 163
naming lists 162
storing and displaying 163
using to graph a family of curves 77, 164
using with math operations 36, 167
ln( 37, 364
LnReg (logarithmic regression) 202, 364
log( 37, 364
Logistic (regression) 203, 364
logistic regression formula 384
Manual Linear Fit 198, 205
marked for deletion 340
MATH CPX (complex menu) 54
MATH menu 38
MATH NUM (number menu) 45
math operations 36
MATH PRB (probability menu) 56
Matr4list( (matrix-to-list conversion) 157, 174, 365
accessing elements 150
copying 150
defined 145
deleting from memory 146
dimensions 146, 155, 156
displaying a matrix 149
displaying matrix elements 146
editing matrix elements 147
indicator ([ ]) 148
math functions 151
matrix math functions (det(, T, dim(, Fill(,
identity(, randM(, augment(, Matr4list(,
List4matr(, cumSum( )
quick matrix 143
relational operations 153
row operations (ref(, rref(, rowSwap(, row+(,
*row(, *row+( )
selecting 145
viewing 146
MATRX EDIT menu 145
MATRX MATH menu 154
max( (maximum) 48, 175, 365
maximum of a function (fMax( ) 40
maximum of a function (fMax( ) 360
maximum operation on a graph 88
mean( 175, 365
Med(Med (median-median) 200
median( 175, 365
Med-Med (median-median) 365
Mem Mgmt/Del menu 327
backing up 351
checking available 326
clearing all list elements from 330
clearing entries from 329
deleting items from 329
error 341
insufficient during transmission 353
resetting defaults 334
resetting memory 334
MEMORY menu 326
Menu( (define menu) 286, 365
menus 25, 26
defining (Menu( ) 286
defining (Menu( ) 365
scrolling 26