User Guide

Chapter 2: Math, Angle, and Test Operations 49
remainder( returns the remainder resulting from the division of two positive whole numbers, dividend
divisor, each of which can be a list. The divisor cannot be zero. If both arguments are lists, they
must have the same number of elements. If one argument is a list and the other a non-list, the non-
list is paired with each element of the list, and a list is returned.
4n/d3 4Un/d
4n/d3 4Un/d converts an improper fraction to a mixed number or a mixed number to an improper
fraction. You can also access
4n/d3 4Un/d from the FRAC shortcut menu (t ^ 3).
remainder(dividend, divisor)
remainder(list, divisor)
remainder(dividend, list)
remainder(list, list)