User Guide

Chapter 3: Function Graphing 86
ZoomRcl graphs the selected functions in a user-defined viewing window. The user-defined
viewing window is determined by the values stored with the
ZoomSto instruction. The window
variables are updated with the user-defined values, and the graph is plotted.
The zoom factors,
XFact and YFact, are positive numbers (not necessarily integers) greater than or
equal to 1. They define the magnification or reduction factor used to
Zoom In or Zoom Out around a
Checking XFact and YFact
To display the ZOOM FACTORS screen, where you can review the current values for
XFact and
YFact, select 4:SetFactors from the ZOOM MEMORY menu. The values shown are the defaults.
Changing XFact and YFact
You can change
XFact and YFact in either of two ways.
Enter a new value. The original value is cleared automatically when you enter the first digit.
Place the cursor on the digit you want to change, and then enter a value or press { to delete
Using ZOOM MEMORY Menu Items from the Home Screen or a Program
From the home screen or a program, you can store directly to any of the user-defined ZOOM
From a program, you can select the ZoomSto and ZoomRcl instructions from the ZOOM MEMORY