Application Guide

2. To start the screen capture, click the area above the emulator screen or above the
keypad. In the Handheld + Sidescreen display, you can also click the area around the
emulator screen.
Do not release the mouse button. If the cursor is active or if you click inside the
emulator window, the screen capture is not started.
In Handheld + SideScreenview, click the area
above the emulator, click the area around the
emulator, or click the border of the emulator
screen to start the screencapture.
In Keypad + SideScreenview, click the area
above the keypadto start the screencapture.
3. Without releasing the mouse, drag the image.
A ghost image of the captured screen opens. The ghost image remains visible until
you release the mouse button.
The in the corner of the ghost image indicates you cannot paste the image in
that location.
Capturing Screens 111