Application Guide

This means: Calculate 5+8
and store the result as a variable named num.
4. Press ·.
Calculator creates the variable num and stores the result there.
Creating a Variable in the Computer Software
When creating a variable in the computer software, use the following conventions. As
alternatives to using & (store), you can use := or the Define command. All of the
following statements are equivalent.
& num
num:= 5+8
Define num=5+8
Checking a Variable’s Value
You can check the value of an existing variable by entering its name on the Calculator
entry line. When you type the name of a stored variable, it appears in bold type.
On the Calculator entry line, type the variable name num and press ·.
The value most recently stored in num is displayed as the result.
Automatically Creating Variables in Graphs & Geometry
In the Graphs and Geometry applications, functions defined on the entry line are
automatically stored as variables.
In this example, f1(x)=x
is a variable definition, which allows it to be displayed in
other applications including a table in the Lists & Spreadsheet application.
Using Variables 149