Application Guide

16 Using the Documents Workspace
5. Select the desired setting.
6. Select a check box to enable an option or clear a check box to disable an option.
Check box Operation when selected
Automatically hide
plot labels
Plot labels are displayed only when selected, grabbed,
or hovered.
Show axis end values A numeric label is displayed at the least and greatest
values visible on an axis
Show tool tips for
function manipulation
Shows helpful information as you manipulate function
Automatically find a
point of interest
Shows zeros, minima, and maxima for graphed functions
and objects while tracing function graphs.
7. Choose one of the following options:
To apply the customized settings to ALL graphs and geometry documents, click
Make Default.
To apply the settings to the open document only, click OK.
To restore default settings, click Restore.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without making changes.