Application Guide

324 Lists&Spreadsheet Application
Input Description
Hypothesized value of the population mean that you are testing.
The known population standard deviation; must be a real
number >0.
List The name of the list containing the data you are testing.
Frequency List The name of the list containing the frequency values for the
data in List. Default=1. All elements must be integers |0. The
frequency values can also be typed as a list, in the format {1, 1,
3, 2}.
v, Sx, n Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and sample size)
for the one-sample tests and intervals.
s1 The known population standard deviation from the first
population for the two-sample tests and intervals. Must be a
real number>0.
s2 The known population standard deviation from the second
population for the two-sample tests and intervals. Must be a
real number>0.
List1, List2 The names of the lists containing the data you are testing for
the two-sample tests and intervals.
The names of the lists containing the frequencies for the data in
List1 and List2 for the two-sample tests and intervals.
Defaults=1. All elements must be integers |0.
v1, Sx1, n1,
v2, Sx2, n2
Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and sample size)
for sample one and sample two in two-sample tests and
Pooled Specifies whether variances are to be pooled for
2-SampletTest and 2-SampletInterval.
The expected sample proportion for 1-PropzTest. Must be a
real number, such that0<p
x The count of successes in the sample for the 1-PropzTest and
1-PropzInterval. Must be an integer|0.
n The count of observations in the sample for the 1-PropzTest
and 1-PropzInterval. Must be an integer>0.