Application Guide

420 Data Collection
Sensor Interface Description
Vernier EasyLink®
This sensor interface is used with handhelds. It has a
mini-USB connector so it can be plugged directly into
the handheld.
Connect sensors to Vernier EasyLink® to:
Measure barometric pressure.
Measure the salinity of a solution.
Investigate the relationship between pressure
and volume (Boyles Law).
Vernier Go!Link®
This sensor interface is used with computers. It has a
standard connector so it can be plugged into a
Windows® or Mac® computer.
Connect sensors to Vernier GoLink® to:
Measure the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
Monitor greenhouse gases.
Measure sound level in decibels.
Types of Sensors
Analog sensors. Temperature, light, pH, and voltage sensors are analog sensors and
require a sensor interface.
Digital sensors. Photogates, radiation monitors, and drop counters are digital
sensors. These sensors can only be used with the TI-Nspire™ Lab Cradle.
Direct-connect USB sensors. These sensors connect directly to a handheld or
computer and do not require a sensor interface.
Sensors for Handhelds
The following lists some sensors you can use with a handheld.
Sensor Description
Texas Instruments
This analog sensor connects directly to TI-Nspire
handhelds through the mini-USB port. It is used to explore
and graph motion.
This sensor automatically launches the Vernier DataQuest™
application when you connect it to a handheld. Data
collection begins when you select the Motion Match
This sensor collects up to 200 samples per second.
Use this sensor to:
Measure position and speed of a person or object.