Application Guide

Displaying Information in the History
You can use the Disp command in a program or function to display information,
including intermediate results, in the history.
Disp 126
Disp "Result:",cos(π/4)
Displaying Information in a Dialog Box
You can use the Text command to pause a running program and display information in
a dialog box. The user clicks OK to continue or clicks Cancel to stop the program.
You cannot use the Text command in a function.
Text "Area=" & area
Note: Displaying a result with Disp or Text does not store that result. If you expect to
refer later to a result, store it to a global variable.
Disp maximum
Using Local Variables
A local variable is a temporary variable that exists only while a user-defined function is
being evaluated or a user-defined program is running.
Example of a Local Variable
The following program segment shows a For...EndFor loop (which is discussed later in this
module). The variable i is the loop counter. In most cases, the variable i is used only while
the program is running.
Local iÀ
For i,0,5,1
Disp i
Disp i
Declares variable i as local.
Getting Started with the Program Editor 493