Application Guide

Relation type Examples
The above relations on domains
restricted by rectangles
y=sin(x) and
|y -2 and 0 x 3
≤3, y 0 and x 0
To Graph a Relation:
1. From the GraphEntry/Edit menu, select Relation.
2. Type an expression for the relation. You can touch and hold the "greater than" key
to select one of the relation operators.
3. Press Enter to graph the relation.
Tips for Graphing Relations
You can quickly define a relation from the Function entry line. Position the cursor to
the immediate right of the = sign, and then tap the backspacekey .
A small menu appears with the relation operators and a Relation option. Choosing
from the menu places the cursor in the Relation entry line.
You can type a relation as text on a Graphs page and then drag the text object over
either axis. The relation is graphed and added to the relation history.
Graphs Application 58