Application Guide

If the syntax checker finds any errors, it displays an error message and positions
the cursor near the first error.
Storing a Function or Program
You must store a function or program to make it accessible. The Program Editor
automatically checks the syntax before storing. An asterisk (*) before the program or
function name indicates that it has not been stored. To store a function or program:
1. From the Program Editor, tap Tools and go to Check Syntax and Store.
2. Tap Check Syntax &Store.
Program Editor checks for syntax errors and stores the program.
If no syntax errors are found, the message "stored successfully" is displayed in
the status line after the program or function name.
If syntax errors are found, an error message is displayed and the cursor is
positioned near the first error.
If the function or program is defined as a library object, you must also save the
document in the designated library folder and refresh libraries to make the
function or program accessible to other documents.
Program Editor Overview 164