Application Guide

8 Alphabetical Listing
Alphabetical Listing
Items whose names are not alphabetic (such as +, !, and >) are listed at the end of this
section, page 210. Unless otherwise specified, all examples in this section were
performed in the default reset mode, and all variables are assumed to be undefined.
Catalog >
abs(Expr1) expression
abs(List1) list
abs(Matrix1) matrix
Returns the absolute value of the
Note: See also Absolute value template,
page 3.
If the argument is a complex number,
returns the number’s modulus.
Note: All undefined variables are treated as
real variables.
Catalog >
amortTbl(NPmt,N,I,PV, [Pmt], [FV],
[PpY], [CpY], [PmtAt], [roundValue])
Amortization function that returns a matrix
as an amortization table for a set of TVM
NPmt is the number of payments to be
included in the table. The table starts with
the first payment.
N, I, PV, Pmt, FV, PpY, CpY, and PmtAt
are described in the table of TVM
arguments, page 195.
If you omit Pmt, it defaults to
If you omit FV, it defaults to FV=0.
The defaults for PpY, CpY, and PmtAt
are the same as for the TVM functions.