Application Guide

Catalog >
roundValue specifies the number of
decimal places for rounding. Default=2.
The columns in the result matrix are in this
order: Payment number, amount paid to
interest, amount paid to principal, and
The balance displayed in row n is the
balance after payment n.
You can use the output matrix as input for
the other amortization functions ΣInt() and
ΣPrn(), page 225, and bal(), page 17.
Catalog >
BooleanExpr1 and BooleanExpr2
Boolean expression
BooleanList1 and BooleanList2
Boolean list
BooleanMatrix1 and BooleanMatrix2
Boolean matrix
Returns true or false or a simplified form of
the original entry.
Integer1 andInteger2 integer
Compares two real integers bit-by-bit using
an and operation. Internally, both integers
are converted to signed, 64-bit binary
numbers. When corresponding bits are
compared, the result is 1 if both bits are 1;
otherwise, the result is 0. The returned
value represents the bit results, and is
displayed according to the Base mode.
You can enter the integers in any number
base. For a binary or hexadecimal entry, you
must use the 0b or 0h prefix, respectively.
Without a prefix, integers are treated as
decimal (base10).
In Hex base mode:
Important: Zero, not the letter O.
In Bin base mode:
In Dec base mode:
Note: A binary entry canhave up to 64 digits
(not counting the 0b prefix). A hexadecimal
entry can have up to 16 digits.
Alphabetical Listing 9