Application Guide

16 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
Returns a new list that is List2 appended to
the end of List1.
augment(Matrix1, Matrix2) matrix
Returns a new matrix that is Matrix2
appended to Matrix1. When the “,”
character is used, the matrices must have
equal row dimensions, and Matrix2 is
appended to Matrix1 as new columns.
Does not alter Matrix1 or Matrix2.
Catalog >
avgRC(Expr1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
avgRC(Expr1, Var [=Value] [, List1])
avgRC(List1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
avgRC(Matrix1, Var [=Value] [, Step])
Returns the forward-difference quotient
(average rate of change).
Expr1 can be a user-defined function name
(see Func).
When Value is specified, it overrides any
prior variable assignment or any current “|
substitution for the variable.
Step is the step value. If Step is omitted, it
defaults to 0.001.
Note that the similar function centralDiff()
uses the central-difference quotient.