Application Guide

26 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
colAugment(Matrix1, Matrix2) matrix
Returns a new matrix that is Matrix2
appended to Matrix1. The matrices must
have equal column dimensions, and
Matrix2 is appended to Matrix1 as new
rows. Does not alter Matrix1 or Matrix2.
Catalog >
colDim(Matrix) expression
Returns the number of columns contained
in Matrix.
Note: See also rowDim().
Catalog >
colNorm(Matrix) expression
Returns the maximum of the sums of the
absolute values of the elements in the
columns in Matrix.
Note: Undefined matrix elements are not
allowed. See also rowNorm().
Catalog >
comDenom(Expr1[,Var]) expression
comDenom(List1[,Var]) list
comDenom(Matrix1[,Var]) matrix
comDenom(Expr1) returns a reduced ratio
of a fully expanded numerator over a fully
expanded denominator.