Application Guide

42 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
cumulativeSum(Matrix1) matrix
Returns a matrix of the cumulative sums of
the elements in Matrix1. Each element is
the cumulative sum of the column from top
to bottom.
An empty (void) element in List1 or
Matrix1 produces a void element in the
resulting list or matrix. For more
information on empty elements, see page
Catalog >
Transfers control immediately to the next
iteration of the current loop (For, While, or
Cycle is not allowed outside the three
looping structures (For, While, or Loop).
Note for entering the example: For
instructions on entering multi-line program
and function definitions, refer to the
Calculator section of your product
Function listing that sums the integers from 1
to 100 skipping 50.
Catalog >
Vector Cylind
Note: You can insert this operator from the
computer keyboard by typing @>Cylind.
Displays the row or column vector in
cylindrical form [r, θ, z].
Vector must have exactly three elements.
It can be either a row or a column.
Catalog >
cZeros(Expr, Var) list
In Display Digits mode of Fix 3: