Application Guide

58 Alphabetical Listing
u key
Note: Pressing u to display e^( is different
from pressing the character E on the
You can enter a complex number in re
polar form. However, use this form in
Radian angle mode only; it causes a
Domain error in Degree or Gradian angle
e^(List1) list
Returns e raised to the power of each
element in List1.
e^(squareMatrix1) squareMatrix
Returns the matrix exponential of
squareMatrix1. This is not the same as
calculating e raised to the power of each
element. For information about the
calculation method, refer to cos().
squareMatrix1 must be diagonalizable. The
result always contains floating-point
Catalog >
eff(nominalRate,CpY) value
Financial function that converts the nominal
interest rate nominalRate to an annual
effective rate, given CpY as the number of
compounding periods per year.
nominalRate must be a real number, and
CpY must be a real number > 0.
Note: See also nom(), page 124.
Catalog >
eigVc(squareMatrix) matrix
In Rectangular Complex Format: