Application Guide

62 Alphabetical Listing
euler ()
Catalog >
VarStep is a nonzero number such that sign
(VarStep) = sign(VarMax-Var0) and
solutions are returned at Var0+iVarStep
for all i=0,1,2,… such that Var0+iVarStep
is in [var0,VarMax] (there may not be a
solution value at VarMax).
eulerStep is a positive integer (defaults to
1) that defines the number of euler steps
between output values. The actual step size
used by the euler method is
VarStep eulerStep.
eval () Hub Menu
eval(Expr) string
eval() is valid only in the TI-Innovator™ Hub
Command argument of programming
commands Get, GetStr, and Send. The
software evaluates expression Expr and
replaces the eval() statement with the
result as a character string.
The argument Expr must simplify to a real
Set the blue element of the RGB LED to half
Reset the blue element to OFF.
eval() argument must simplify to a real
Program to fade-in the red element
Execute the program.