Application Guide

72 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
You can use the constraint (“|”) operator to
restrict the solution interval and/or specify
other constraints.
For the Approximate setting of the Auto or
Approximate mode, fMax() iteratively
searches for one approximate local
maximum. This is often faster, particularly
if you use the “| operator to constrain the
search to a relatively small interval that
contains exactly one local maximum.
Note: See also fMin() and max().
Catalog >
fMin(Expr, Var) Boolean expression
fMin(Expr, Var,lowBound)
fMin(Expr, Var,lowBound,upBound)
fMin(Expr, Var) |
Returns a Boolean expression specifying
candidate values of Var that minimize
Expr or locate its greatest lower bound.
You can use the constraint (“|”) operator to
restrict the solution interval and/or specify
other constraints.
For the Approximate setting of the Auto or
Approximate mode, fMin() iteratively
searches for one approximate local
minimum. This is often faster, particularly
if you use the “| operator to constrain the
search to a relatively small interval that
contains exactly one local minimum.
Note: See also fMax() and min().