Application Guide

74 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
G[n][c]: Same as fixed format but also
separates digits to the left of the radix into
groups of three. c specifies the group
separator character and defaults to a
comma. If c is a period, the radix will be
shown as a comma.
[Rc]: Any of the above specifiers may be
suffixed with the Rc radix flag, where c is a
single character that specifies what to
substitute for the radix point.
Catalog >
fPart(Expr1) expression
fPart(List1) list
fPart(Matrix1) matrix
Returns the fractional part of the argument.
For a list or matrix, returns the fractional
parts of the elements.
The argument can be a real or a complex
Catalog >
FPdf(XVal,dfNumer,dfDenom) number
if XVal is a number, list if XVal is a list
Computes the F distribution probability at
XVal for the specified dfNumer (degrees of
freedom) and dfDenom.
Catalog >
Returns a list containing the elements from
List1 expanded according to the
frequencies in freqIntegerList. This
function can be used for building a
frequency table for the Data & Statistics
List1 can be any valid list.