Application Guide

82 Alphabetical Listing
Handheld Device/Emulator
Desktop Return Value
Space Space " " (space)
Inaccessible Special Character Keys like
@,!,^, etc.
The character is returned
n/a Function Keys No returned character
n/a Special desktop control keys No returned character
Inaccessible Other desktop keys that are
not available on the
calculator while getkey() is
waiting for a keystroke. ({,
},;, :, ...)
Same character you get in
Notes (not in a math box)
Note: It is important to note that the presence of getKey() in a program changes how
certain events are handled by the system. Some of these are described below.
Terminate program and Handle event - Exactly as if the user were to break out of program
by pressing the ON key
"Support" below means - System works as expected - program continues to run.
Event Device Desktop - TI-Nspire
Student Software
Quick Poll Terminate program,
handle event
Same as the handheld (TI-
Nspire Student Software,
TI-Nspire Navigator™ NC
Teacher Software-only)
Remote file mgmt
(Incl. sending 'Exit Press 2
Test' file from another
handheld or desktop-
Terminate program,
handle event
Same as the handheld.
(TI-Nspire Student
Software, TI-Nspire
Navigator™ NC Teacher
End Class Terminate program,
handle event
(TI-Nspire Student
Software, TI-Nspire
Navigator™ NC Teacher
Event Device Desktop - TI-Nspire All
TI-Innovator™ Hub
Support - Can successfully
issue commands to the TI-
Innovator™ Hub. After you
Same as the handheld