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getVarInfo() matrix or string
getVarInfo(LibNameString) matrix or
getVarInfo() returns a matrix of information
(variable name, type, library accessibility,
and locked/unlocked state) for all variables
and library objects defined in the current
If no variables are defined, getVarInfo()
returns the string "NONE".
getVarInfo(LibNameString)returns a matrix
of information for all library objects defined
in library LibNameString. LibNameString
must be a string (text enclosed in quotation
marks) or a string variable.
If the library LibNameString does not exist,
an error occurs.
Note the example, in which the result of
getVarInfo() is assigned to variable vs.
Attempting to display row 2 or row 3 of vs
returns an “Invalid list or matrix” error
because at least one of elements in those
rows (variable b, for example) revaluates to
a matrix.
This error could also occur when using Ans
to reevaluate a getVarInfo() result.
The system gives the above error because
the current version of the software does not
support a generalized matrix structure
where an element of a matrix can be either
a matrix or a list.