Application Guide

Catalog >
ifFn(BooleanExpr,Value_If_true [,Value_
If_false [,Value_If_unknown]])
expression, list, or matrix
Evaluates the boolean expression
BooleanExpr (or each element from
BooleanExpr ) and produces a result based
on the following rules:
BooleanExpr can test a single value, a
list, or a matrix.
If an element of BooleanExpr evaluates
to true, returns the corresponding
element from Value_If_true.
If an element of BooleanExpr evaluates
to false, returns the corresponding
element from Value_If_false. If you
omit Value_If_false, returns undef.
If an element of BooleanExpr is neither
true nor false, returns the corresponding
element Value_If_unknown. If you omit
Value_If_unknown, returns undef.
If the second, third, or fourth argument
of the ifFn() function is a single
expression, the Boolean test is applied to
every position in BooleanExpr.
Note: If the simplified BooleanExpr
statement involves a list or matrix, all other
list or matrix arguments must have the
same dimension(s), and the result will have
the same dimension(s).
Test value of 1 is less than2.5, so its
Value_If_True element of 5 is copied to
the result list.
Test value of 2 is less than2.5, so its
Value_If_True element of 6 is copied to
the result list.
Test value of 3 is not less than 2.5, so its
corresponding Value_If_False elementof
10 is copied to the resultlist.
Value_If_true is a single value and
corresponds to any selected position.
Value_If_false is not specified. Undef is
One element selected from Value_If_true.
One element selected from Value_If_
Catalog >
imag(Expr1) expression
Returns the imaginary part of the
Alphabetical Listing 89