Application Guide

94 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
Computes the inverse cumulative student-t
probability function specified by degree of
freedom, df for a given Area under the
Catalog >
iPart(Number) integer
iPart(List1) list
iPart(Matrix1) matrix
Returns the integer part of the argument.
For lists and matrices, returns the integer
part of each element.
The argument can be a real or a complex
Catalog >
irr(CF0,CFList [,CFFreq]) value
Financial function that calculates internal
rate of return of an investment.
CF0 is the initial cash flow at time 0; it
must be a real number.
CFList is a list of cash flow amounts after
the initial cash flow CF0.
CFFreq is an optional list in which each
element specifies the frequency of
occurrence for a grouped (consecutive) cash
flow amount, which is the corresponding
element of CFList. The default is 1; if you
enter values, they must be positive integers
< 10,000.
Note: See also mirr(), page 116.
Catalog >
isPrime(Number) Boolean constant