Application Guide

102 Alphabetical Listing
Output variable Description
stat.ME Confidence interval margin of error
stat.SE Standard error of mean response
Prediction interval for a single observation
stat.MEPred Prediction interval marginof error
stat.SEPred Standard error for prediction
a + bXVal
Catalog >
LinRegtTest X,Y[,Freq[,Hypoth]]
Computes a linear regression on the X and Y
lists and a t test on the value of slope β and
the correlation coefficient ρ for the equation
y=α+βx. It tests the null hypothesis H
(equivalently, ρ=0) against one of three
alternative hypotheses.
All the lists must have equal dimension.
X and Y are lists of independent and
dependent variables.
Freq is an optional list of frequency values.
Each element in Freq specifies the
frequency of occurrence for each
corresponding X and Y data point. The
default value is 1. All elements must be
integers 0.
Hypoth is an optional value specifying one
of three alternative hypotheses against
which the null hypothesis (H
:β=ρ=0) will be
For H
: β≠0 and ρ≠0 (default), set Hypoth=0
For H
: β<0 and ρ<0, set Hypoth<0
For H
: β>0 and ρ>0, set Hypoth>0
A summary of results is stored in the
stat.results variable. (See page 177.)
For information on the effect of empty
elements in a list, see “Empty (Void)
Elements,” page 236.