Application Guide

108 Alphabetical Listing
/s keys
Returns the matrix base-Expr logarithm of
squareMatrix1. This is not the same as
calculating the base-Expr logarithm of
each element. For information about the
calculation method, refer to cos().
squareMatrix1 must be diagonalizable. The
result always contains floating-point
If the base argument is omitted, 10 is used
as base.
In Radian angle mode andRectangular
complex format:
To see the entire result, press £ and then
use ¡and¢ to move the cursor.
Catalog >
Exprlogbase(Expr1) expression
Causes the input Expression to be simplified
to an expression using base Expr1.
Note: You can insert this operator from the
computer keyboard by typing @>logbase
Catalog >
Logistic X, Y[, [Freq] [, Category, Include]]
Computes the logistic regression y = (c/
)) on lists X and Y with frequency
Freq. A summary of results is stored in the
stat.results variable. (See page 177.)
All the lists must have equal dimension
except for Include.
X and Y are lists of independent and
dependent variables.
Freq is an optional list of frequency values.
Each element in Freq specifies the
frequency of occurrence for each
corresponding X and Y data point. The
default value is 1. All elements must be
integers 0.