Application Guide

114 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
All entries in the list or matrix must
simplify to numbers.
Empty (void) elements in the list or
matrix are ignored. For more information
on empty elements, see page 236.
Catalog >
MedMed X,Y [, Freq] [, Category, Include]]
Computes the median-median line y =
(mx+b) on lists X and Y with frequency
Freq. A summary of results is stored in the
stat.results variable. (See page 177.)
All the lists must have equal dimension
except for Include.
X and Y are lists of independent and
dependent variables.
Freq is an optional list of frequency values.
Each element in Freq specifies the
frequency of occurrence for each
corresponding X and Y data point. The
default value is 1. All elements must be
integers 0.
Category is a list of category codes for the
corresponding X and Y data.
Include is a list of one or more of the
category codes. Only those data items
whose category code is included in this list
are included in the calculation.
For information on the effect of empty
elements in a list, see “Empty (Void)
Elements,” page 236.
Median-median line equation: mx+b
Model coefficients