Application Guide

124 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
The goal is six significant digits. The
adaptive algorithm terminates when it
seems likely that the goal has been
achieved, or when it seems unlikely that
additional samples will yield a worthwhile
A warning is displayed (“Questionable
accuracy”) when it seems that the goal has
not been achieved.
Nest nInt() to do multiple numeric
integration. Integration limits can depend
on integration variables outside them.
Note: See also (), page 221.
Catalog >
nom(effectiveRate,CpY) value
Financial function that converts the annual
effective interest rate effectiveRate to a
nominal rate, given CpY as the number of
compounding periods per year.
effectiveRate must be a real number, and
CpY must be a real number > 0.
Note: See also eff(), page 58.
/= keys
BooleanExpr1 nor BooleanExpr2 returns
Boolean expression
BooleanList1 nor BooleanList2 returns
Boolean list
BooleanMatrix1 nor BooleanMatrix2
returns Boolean matrix
Returns the negation of a logical or
operation on the two arguments. Returns
true, false, or a simplified form of the
For lists and matrices, returns comparisons
element by element.